

Dr. Barnes Films HealthBreak Segment on Hip Pain

Dr. Barnes assists with Healthbreak segmentDr. Barnes recently assisted with the filming of a segment of HealthBreak, an educational series presented by Coliseum Health Systems.  The segment was centered on hip pain and the advancements in hip replacement, specifically the use of the direct anterior approach, that are helping patients increase their mobility and find a new lease on life. Those who suffer from hip pain know it is a debilitating issue that can dramatically affect your quality of life. In a hip replacement, the diseased joint is replaced with a stronger, artificial joint. The anterior approach to hip replacement is helping patients not only eliminate their pain, but get back to their lives faster through increased mobility and limited surgical downtime. About the Anterior Approach to Hip Replacement The direct anterior approach to hip replacement is unique in that a small incision is made through the front of the hip rather than the side or the back of the body, as with traditional hip replacements. Going through the front allows the surgeon to follow the natural spaces between the hip joint's muscles and tendons, which causes less damage to the tissue. Dr. Barnes assists with Healthbreak segment Dr. Barnes demonstrates a hip implant in a recent episode of HealthBreak on hip pain. HealthBreak is presented by Coliseum Health System. Patients who opt for the anterior approach experience a dramatically shorter hospital stay and accelerated rehabilitation because the muscle is never detached from the bone. Patients return to normal activities faster and have no movement restrictions. The smaller incision creates less risk of infection and leaves smaller scars. To put it simply, the anterior approach means:
  • Less pain
  • Less downtime
  • Increased mobility
Dr. Bill Barnes was one of the first orthopedic surgeons to perform direct anterior hip replacement in Middle Georgia and has since completed 300+ successful procedures. This is the second HealthBreak segment that Dr. Barnes has participated in. Dr. Stevenson has also assisted with a HealthBreak segment on endoscopic spine surgery (see it here), as well as Dr. DeCoons. To lean more about the anterior approach to hip replacement: Be sure to tune into 13WMAZ to check out the HealthBreak segment later this summer!

posted 05/01/2017 in Blog, Hip Replacement, News & Press, Physicians

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